Yesterday I sent out a posting and notified our readership, but failed to put it on Bcc (whatever that means) and it allowed them to see everyone else's email address. I apologized profusely but not enough for some and too much for others. Here is the list of replies I got and responses I sent back to the whiners. Please note that some have been edited to prevent additional legal action or embarrassment.
My apology which I thought was sufficient and would deflect any recrimination:
Sorry folks, you all lost your anonymity with today's track blog posting. I forgot to send it Bcc. If you would like to sue me, may I remind you that I drive a 2004 Toyota Echo and the odometer is broken so I'm not sure of the mileage. We're also renting our residence. Our second car is a 2007 Matrix that a maple tree fell on more than ten years ago. It has over 200,000 miles.
George Brose
LOL! the simple life is a good life If you were still running you could get those bumper stickers that say "I run better than my car" remember those? Mike Waters
No problem. Most of us just enjoy the publicity. Bill Schnier
Okay George:
I can read thru this weak attempt to brag about your


John Bork
Way to throw 'em off George! We all know that Mediation and coaching are lucrative professions.
Don't forget blogging, David. George
Hi George,
My wife and I drive a 2001 Toyota Corolla with 270K+ miles. We have just the one car. Couldn’t resist “bragging.” 
Sieg Lindstrom
The Echo is one of the best running cars I've ever owned. Has an anti theft device called standard transmission. Would run circles around my $300 1976 Eldorado.
Renault R4 (Cheesebox on a raft?)
Who once said, "The car reflects the owner"?
My first car was a Renault R4. Purchased in Nairobi, Kenya 1967 for about $400. It ended up in the Amazon basin via Mozambique.
Also had a DKW station wagon in Germany that cost $40, broke a drive shaft and sold for $50 a week before I came home. I don't remember what DKW stood for, we said, "Das Krankenhaus wartet." meaning "the hospital is waiting for you." or Deutsche Kinderwagen, German Child's Car.Below is the DKW. It had a 3 cylinder , two stroke engine. Just put in oil then gas on top, and agitate. Had to clean the plugs every 500 or so miles. Bought from the estate of a German racing driver who had been killed. Gerhard Mieter
1963? DKW precursor of Audi, purchased 1969. Went on honeymoon in one like this.
It also had a standard transmission but no clutch pedal. You had to back off the gas and it would go into neutral and you shifted. Not the greatest way to go through the Alps but we made it. Had to stay on the gas coming down too, or risk going into neutral and freewheeling out of the mountains. Hinged on back of door so you could open the doors for braking assistance. I think a lot of them got stuck in the mud on the Eastern Front in WWII.
Wow! Over/under on Americans who aren’t wealthy auto collectors who’ve owned both an R4 and a DKW station wagon? You may be one of a kind.
“Thanks a lot” for the exposure. Now the Witness Protection Office will have to find me another hideout. Perhaps, with your recommendation, as the volunteer gofer in the Univ. of Oklahoma track gear room handing out clean jocks and clean towels, no one would ever think of looking for me there.

Another Roy (Benson)
Yes and I doubt you'd have to worry about handling jocks. I don't think they use them anymore. What do we call 'jocks' meaning 'athletes' these days? And does anyone even know the origin of the word anymore?
In case you think I am taking this conversation lightly, I refer you to the British Olympic Association Official report of the 1952 Games. In it on page 44, an advertisement can be seen for Litesome Supporters (multiple styles for multiple sports). Please note that no live models were injured whilst producing this work. George
donated by John Cobley
Jock straps off the field? Really? And they snuck in a ref. to Oklahoma.
Even tho I’m an athletic supporter, I have no use for one any more.
Enjoy this short history, you old jock.

Roy Other
I'll settle for the used running shoes. Bruce Kritzler
( Bruce is driving with his brother Doug, from Kenton, Ohio to Austin to see the NCAA meet this week. ed.)
Bruce Are you on the road yet? I'd love to be in that car with you. George
Wont leave till tues morning, drive all night, arrive wed early, nap at jim and marilyn’s abode near Spicewood (over the hill from Willie’s ranch). running events late afternoon /evening. midday will be riding around with jim getting tours of area highlights and eating bbq.
(More Car Talk ed. ) Rental car is new Toyota corolla, but disappointed that lacks cd player and video screen does not have maps. course Doug and i prefer our 20 yr old road atlas. music situation is frustrating for Doug as he would get to catch up on 4 yrs of alternative /outlaw country music i would provide. i have found music on my wife’s 10 yr old iphone i inherited, heavily beatles/stones.
Bruce: Do you have any of those cowboy albums by the German hurdler Martin Lauer?
Told Bill Schnier i witnessed my first ncaa in 1980 (in austin) staying with Bill and IU team in UT dorm.
hitchhiked on to LA for TAC meet, rode with ex UCLA coach to Ukiah, for night with Roy, (Roy Mason our blog co-founder) on to Eugene for (Olympic) trials, that went nowhere.
Wish you were with us! Bruce
Man, if I'd just held on to that Renault. George
Great car stuff Dave Costill
Dave, I forgot you are a car buff. George
A reader who wishes to remain anonymous (understandiibly so ) sent the following"
Trying to think of something 'snappy' in reply to your recent post,
was thinking that the background story of jock straps must have been a detailed PhD dissertation for an Oklahoma State grad student?? (See I remembered that you went to Oklahoma and not Oklahoma State)
Guess this shouldn't be posted by you as it would overload my in box with angry and threatening comments from Oklahoma State alums ie. the Perry brothers might want a match race to get revenge for the cheap shot at Oklahoma State academics.
To Anonymous: Maybe we could change it to Harvard? I know for a fact that no one from Harvard, or even Slippery Rock would read this blog. George
Things have changed my brand new car runs better than my body. Mike Waters
Need some body work? George
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