Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Thursday, November 10, 2022

V 12 N. 80 George Young R.I.P.


                        George Young, Four-Time Olympian

                        July 24, 1937 – November 8, 2022

George Young was around so long (four olympiads in distance running), such a tough competitor, who would ever have suspected he was mortal?  But like everyone else, he too reached a finish line.  But what a life race.    In looking for ways to cover his career, I've ceded to a good friend's blog.  John Cobley who writes racingpast.ca has done a great job of covering George Young's life and career.  I've just added some photos.  See the link below.  George Brose

Racingpast.ca (George Young profile)

Leading a ten years younger Frank Shorter and Jack Bacheler

An epic duel with Pre

                                    Leading Ben Kogo and Kerry O'Brien at Mexico City

             Below, on vacation and fishing with Bill Dellinger in Mexico in recent times.

From Earl Young

Terry Young, George’s younger brother came to ACC/U my second year of Grad school — 1964. Lives in Conroe, Texas and has coached many years. I spoke with him yesterday and gave condolences. And to his mom, Nancy. 

George and I of course were Teammates in Rome and also in “61 in Moscow and then on to Warsaw, Germany and London. We went to church together each Sunday we were together. 

One of those relationships in life where we are aware of each other's doings but don’t see each other. Lots of relationships like that and now in these late years I wish those relationships had stayed closer. 

I remember George as one of the real people with solid integrity. A life well lived touching many as a example of how to live and how to compete. I understand there is a Dec.11 Memorial service at the university.

Cheers,  EY

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