Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Sunday, April 21, 2024

V 14 N. 24 Olga Fikotova Connolly R.I.P.


                                                                         Olga Connolly

                                                                   Photo from Olympedia

A week or so ago, Walt Murphy noted in his  "This Day in Track and Field" the passing of Olga Fikotova Connolly.   With permission, here are Walt's words.

R.I.P.--Olga Fikotová-Connolly, the 1956 Olympic gold medalist in the Women’s Discus, passed away on Friday, April 12, at the age of 91. (see below a note from her children)

           Career Highlights

           5-time Olympian—Discus (’56-gold medalist, ’60-7th, 1964-12th), 


              1972-Qual. Round)

           5-time U.S. Champion (1957,1960,1962,1964,1968) 

           Set 4 American Records (best of 185-3 [56.46]/1972)

           Won the Olympic gold medal while competing for her native Czechoslavakia. While at the Games 

              In Melbourne, she fell in love with American Hal Connolly, who won the gold medal in the Men’s 

              Hammer Throw.  Coming during the Cold War, their love affair made them media darlings 

              in both countries. Couple was divorced in 1975.

           With Czech icons Emil and Dana Zátopek serving as witnesses, the couple got married in Prague in

              1957, despite initial objections from the Czech government.

           Said Olga, “…admittedly, it was unheard of that anyone would get across the Iron Curtain and get 

               married, but after much verbal fighting with the administration in Prague, enthusiastic support 

               from newspapers abroad, and approval by [US. Secretary of State] Mr. Dulles in the U.S.A. and 

               President Zápotocký in Czechoslovakia we received permission.”

        At 91, she had been the oldest living American female Olympian in T&F at the time of her passing

For additional reading on the subject I've put a link below to "The Olympians" that focuses not only on Olga and Hal around the time of the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo but also on several other love stories of athletes from that Games.    ed. 

The Olympians    link

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