Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Saturday, June 26, 2021

V 11 N. 40 Support Movement to Put Ted Corbitt on a Black Heritage Postage Stamp

 Gary Corbitt ,  Ted's son has posted the following information on his website and we at OUTV heartily support that effort.    Here is Gary's letter and at the bottom the letter you can fill out and send in for consideration.


AttachmentsJun 21, 2021, 8:11 AM (5 days ago)
to Gary
Ted Corbitt "Black Heritage" US Postage Stamp Project
The National Black Marathoners Association and I invite you support his project.
In 1978, the U. S. Postal Service, as part of its mission to “celebrate the people, events, and cultural milestones that are unique to our great nation,” created a new stamp series to honor African-Americans and the vital role they have played in U. S. history called the Black Heritage Stamp series. We want your support for a first class stamp for a first class person, Theodore “Ted” Corbitt. It's easy.
  1. Print the letter.
  2. Fill in your name and address.
  3. Mail it to the address on the letter.
If you can do this, please send the letter by the end of June.  A meeting is scheduled in July to decide.
Thanks for your support.

Please note that this needs to be in by the end  of the month, so if you support the idea, act quickly.

Just printed out the attachment and signed and mailed it to the Stamp Development Committee.


I had the privilege of meeting Ted in the early 2000’s at VanCortlandt Park in NYC.  I was there for a cross country meet that Army was participating in.


Joe Rogers

Dear George:

Many thanks for forwarding the better copy.

It is going in the mail today along with the attached letter.

Take care,

Tom Coyne

Thanks, Tom and Joe,
Maybe if you couldn't lick him on the roads, you'll be able to lick him on a postage stamp.

A worthy cause but it will take luck for my letter to arrive on time since it won't go out until Monday, the 28th - if we are lucky. And given the current slowdown in the Postal Service....

Ted Corbitt was in the Washington D.C. Marathon in Feb 1967 (or was it '68?), my first marathon. In 28 degree temps and lots of strong winds, and quite a few hills. Nasty. I beat him, aided, a bit (okay, a lot) by being 18 years younger. 😀

His resume is amazing. I lived near New York City in the '50s and early '60s and heard about his double loops of Manhattan Island. Surreal! 

Geoff PIetsch

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