Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

V 11 N. 4 Our 900th Posting and a Good Message for Everyone from Jim Kerr

What a good occasion and subject to be doing our 900th posting on this 11th year of our blog! I received the following message from Felecia Brownlow in the Virgin Islands regarding the appeal we made to send cards to 1964 Olympian James Kerr. In these times of division in our country, it shows that people from a wide variety of beliefs and faiths can do something together without thinking only about themselves.   George Brose

Here is the link to our original story:  Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Good Morning and A Happy New Year to You. 

 Yes, Mr. Kerr received many Christmas Card Greetings from a variety of locations. I cannot say exactly how many but I know he is elated to know that he has Christmas greetings from so many people, especially as they are from former fellow Olympians. I visited him on Friday (1/15) and told him I will have to send out some thank-yous for him but finding the time to acknowledge them is difficult for me at this time. I know Mr. Kerr will be happy if you are able to send a general thank you from him to all who reached out to cheer him up. Your plea for outreach was successful. I say "Thank You" on behalf of Mr. Kerr as well as those of us who read the cards for him. He is definitely adjusting to his new environment and has gained an appetite so he is eating more and feeling a lot better. We continue to stay in touch with Mr. Kerr and hope that before long COVID-19 will be over and he and all our clients will be able to resume day activities at our Center. Thank you again for reaching out to him. Best regards to you and I hope it will be possible for you to let Mr. Kerr's well-wishers know their greetings are received and very much appreciated. Please let me know you receive this mail and continue to stay safe. All the best. 

 Sincerely, Felecia A. Brownlow, 
 Director VI Association for Independent Living 
P.O. Box 03305 St. Thomas, VI 00803-3305 

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V 15 N. 10 Gunder 'The Wunder' Haegg Visits Cincinnati

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