Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

V 8 N. 54 Interval Training in Hanoi with John Fer AFA All American and Cellmate of John McCain in Hanoi

Interval Training in Hanoi     Please clik on this link to see the May 23, 2015 posting
discussing Jon Fer  a former All American who was imprisoned in Hanoi during the Viet Nam
War.   Tonight and tomorrow morning (August 29, 2018)  John Dickerson (CBS News) will be interviewing John Fer who will be one of John McCain's pallbearers.   Fer and McCain shared a cell for two years at Hanoi Hilton.     In our posting you will have to scroll down a bit to see the article referenced and then another article sent by Richard Mach describing running against the AF Academy in Colorado Springs when Richard was at Western Michigan.  I also had the pleasure of seen Fer run when the AFA ran a dual or triangular meet on the U. of Oklahoma campus.  Unfortunatley my photos of that event are long gone.   I believe the may also be a clip of John running at Eugene, Oregon when the NCAA track meet was there in the early sixties. I will find that at post here at a later date.

George Brose

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