Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

V 5 N. 115 Run to Remember Barry Brown

For those of you living in the Gainesville, FL area, this announcement is to remind anyone
of the annual run to remember Barry Brown, one of the greats of American road racing back
in the 1970s.  Barry and his son were also one of the few father and son combos to both run
a sub 4 minute mile.

Hope you can join us for the annual Barry Run/Brunch, Sat., Dec. 12.
9 am - Westside Park parking lot, 8th Ave & 34th St. - Run/jog,bike 5k-7mi morning loop.
11am - Brunch at Norm & Wendy's, 2127 NW 28 St., ph. 352.372.1800
Last year there were 25 for brunch. Lets top that this year.
Bruce Kritzler 912-399-7599
Bruce Kritzler

Yes it is for Barry Brown, and feel free to mention it.
Started out as a few guys meeting to run the 7mi morning loop, from Barry's house, in his
One year Marty Liquori took everyone to breakfast. Then Norm Hommen and Wendy Frazier
decided to have everyone come to their house.
The run gets smaller (participants and distance) each year, but the brunch is growing.
Started in 1992, I've made about 50% of them, because of moving to Louisiana, and work 

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