Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Saturday, June 13, 2015

V 5 N 57 Jack Foster, Bruce Kidd, Buster Keaton, East York TC

Athlinks     Great site for looking up your past races and those of your fellow competitors.

Care to run a race in Tennessee?  Check out this video clip.  Hilljacks meet road runners.

East Meets Deep South

From Pete Brown:  

OakvilleAL is birthplace of Jesse Owens. I ran across this site while scouting for a tour of the Creek Wars in Alabama.

Buster Keaton Athleticism    

Keaton was noted for doing is own stunts, and he clearly demonstrates his athleticism in this video.  Good running and hurdling form in the second half of the clip,  but especially pole vaulting style.  I'm estimating a twelve foot vault into that second story window.   His run down the sand dune shows what might go wrong when trying such a foolhardy thing.      Take a look at it done well by Jack Foster  at the 18:40 minutes mark in this New Zealand running film.  Then again, enjoy the rest of the film as well about New Zealand running in the 70's.

New Zealand on Screen Jack Foster

East York Track Club  1962,  scenes of Bruce Kidd and East York TC training and Canada Day meet in Toronto with Kidd,  Lazslo Tabori and Max Truex in the two mile.  Really excellent photography for 1962 with clear picture.  Film is in French, but there is so little dialogue it does not matter if you do not understand the language.   In the film Fred Foot the EYTC coach can be seen leading a workout.  Note how many Canadians had access to Adidas shoes in 1962.  This was not the case in USA at the time.  Kidd was a 'on his toes' runner.   Also seen in the workout is Bill Corruthers, and David Bailey , Canada's first 4 minute miler.   Orville Atkins, former EYTC and LATC member  posted this on Facebook which caught our attention.  Orville mentioned that Kidd ended up with both Achilles tendons repaired surgically probably due to his style.

East York Track Club 1962

Neat George!  There is a lot more about the EYTC on the Legends Lounge of Tracktalk.net. under the title of "Some of my memories of the East York Track Club".  The club was very, very good! 
Thank's for posting the documentary.  

Track Talk Link

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