Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Monday, February 24, 2014

Vol. 4 No. 12 Two Great Track and Field, and Cross Country Websites

Things to do on a snowy day.   I'm sitting under eight inches of wet snow that fell yesterday and last night.   Courtenay, British Columbia where I roost, is basically shut down for the day.  What to do?

My suggestion to all readers around the world is to look at these two websites.  They are admittedly heavily laden with American distance running content, but there is also a good bit on international cross country.    The   Running Entertainment/Running Shots site is primarily photographic,  and when I say photographic I should also say again 'heavily laden' with photos.  There are 46 pages with multiple pictures on each page.  It is not chronological.  At least each page stays in one time period or highlights only one or two individuals.      The second site is done by Penn State Track and Field alumni and is heavily into events (modern and old) centered around that track and field program.  But there is some very good historic content and it tops all sites I've seen  with its sense of humor.    Here are the links.

Running Shots
This link will open on US NCAA cross country going back to the 1930's.  But if you scroll to the bottom you will see where to click to get the other 45 pages.

Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golf  (don't be put off by the word  'golf'.  It's what old Penn State runners do when they get together.

Happy Reading,
George Brose

1 comment:

skwilli said...

I must compliment Mr. Brose on his ability to grasp what many in our own group fail to on their own! The golf at the end of our group's name is there to confound and confuse and to set our site apart from all the rest. The golf is , of course, always optional, but highly recommended. My 36 to 40 handicap is a testament to my golfing abilities.

I really appreciate the kind words and links to our site, and will be reciprocating when my day job ends this evening. We share many things in common. Reverences of our track and field past, present and future is only a starting point. And as time goes by, I hopefully will be able to point some of your readers to some of what we've written in the past. I will also try to help your creators with some of the things we have learned along the way.

And we don't hold the Canadian dominance over the USA in both Curling and Hockey against any of you in the great white north!

We'll be in touch!

Dave Baskwill PSU 1981

V 15 N. 9 A Story of Undisputed Excellence by Roy Mason

Most of you read this blog because it is about track and field and cross country mainly from a historical perspective.  Today we go off trac...