Once Upon a Time in the Vest

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Vol. 1 No. 16 A case of mistaken pedigree

Ernie f------g* Cunliffe hisownself! Now I am inspired to pick up the pace. You have to take his error re your college career as a compliment, as he is assuming that you are bright enough to have qualified for OSU.

--- On Wed, 5/4/11, George Brose wrote:

*editor's license
From: Goerge Brose
Subject: Fw: T & F News
Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2011, 3:21 AM

Roy, just wanted you to know that your literary efforts are appreciated by one of the 'great ones'. Below is a comment from Ernie Cunliffe. Of course I forgave him for thinking I went to Oklahoma State.

--- On Tue, 5/3/11, ernie cunliffe wrote:

From: ernie cunliffe
Subject: T & F News
To: georgebrose@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 11:22 PM

Really good stuff George , I enjoy reading them.

What year did you go to Okla State? I am sure Ralph Higgins was your coach, maybe not event coach, but the head coach there. Ralph and I got to know each other
very well as he was the Coach of the Military CISM games when an all star all service team went to Europe several years with Ralph as our leader. Great guy.
What were your events and best marks?? I had also gone on this group tour with Bill Carroll of Okla U. in 1962. I don't remember the dates, years, when Ralph
headed our team. I may have been retired from running and gone as the AF rep.


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